Website Review 3: on progressive enhancements


The purpose of this website is to be a guideline for best practices in coding.

Questions & Answers

  1. What is the website's URL?
  2. What are progressive enhancements?
    Progressive enhancements are a way of coding that focuses on usability and content for all users,but allows for users with more sophisticated access to see the most enhanced version of the web site. This is achieved by layering levels of code.
  3. Why are progressive enhancements needed?
    Progressive enhancements are needed because the world of IT is constantly changing and it is impossible to know what a users level of access is. So progressive enhancements allows for adjustments to the functions of a site based on the users capabilities. Yet, also ensuring all users have a basline level of access and functionality.
  4. Does the sites home page validate?
    No,the home page of the website contains 2 errors.
  5. Find any other page on the site. Does the second page validate?
    Yes,the Graceful Degredation Versus Progressive Enhancement page of the website contains no errors or warnings.
  6. Document how many validation errors and/or warnings may exist on each of the two pages you validate.
    For the home page, the errors/warnings are as follows:
    1. Error: The cellpadding attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.From line 42, column 1; to line 42, column 164
    2. Error: The cellspacing attribute on the table element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.From line 42, column 1; to line 42, column 164

    For the Graceful Degredation versus Progressive Enhancement page, the errors/warnings are as follows:
    1. There are no error or warnings.

  7. How would you rate the site's design, on a scale of 1(horrible) to 10(fantastic)? Why?
    The sites design is very basic. It has no frills or styling. It is really a collection of information. Even the navigation features are very limited. I think they anticipate most users will use the search feature to navigate the site. I will give the site a 5 for design. I mark it higher because it has no ads, and the purpose of the site is sheerly informational and doesn't neccesitate large amounts of styling.
  8. How would you rate the site's usability on a scale of 1(horrible) to 10(fantastic)? Why?
    As stated previously the navigation on the site is very plain. Most navagation is in the form of lists with linked items. I would find my self using the search function over the navagation lists. From an accessability standpoint the simple navagation lists do track with narration, and are easy to understand. The narrator does read the code though as well so it does get a little wierd with heading level 2 then starts reading the list of links.I do think the site is easy to use and narration tracks well. I would give it a 7 as I think the main navagation could be a little fuller.
  9. Does the site meet its purpose?
    I think the site does a good job of covering topics that relate to best practices in coding.

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