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Oneida Nation STEAM Program

Certification Pathways

Oneida is currently working to build a K-12 aligned curriculum. The hope is to start introducing students to STEM in Kindergarten and continue building student understandings so that by the time they graduate from high school they can earn certification in a skill. We are currently working on building two pathways to certification and hope to offer more soon! Please check out our pathways!

See the two pathways below. More coming soon!

Coding and Robotics Pathway
The K-12 robotics and coding program will allow all students the access to technology in a high interest area. Students will learn practical skills as well as build higher level thinking skills that they can use in other areas. The culminating event of the robotics program will be the certification offering that is available at the high school area. By offering this program across all grade levels the students will be given the opportunity to gain mastery in the field of robotics. This comprehensive program will also have applications for gifted and talented and afterschool programs.
K-2 Area Students will get exposure to the basics of coding and robotics. Skills: creativity and enrichment
3-5 Area Students will learn block coding and works with various robots. They will problem solve how to build code and design solutions to the given problem. Skills: problem solving, basic block coding, basic robotics, and creative thinking
Middle School Students will continue their work with block coding and begin their transition to python based coding. Students will use more advanced coding to problem solve a variety of challenges. Skills:problem solving, block coding, python coding, engineering and design
High School Student will continue their work with python coding. They will master higher level functions in coding. They will work to master the python coding language and will be provided the opportunity to earn a certification in python coding Skills: problem solving, higher level thinking, python coding, engineering and design
CAD Design and 3-D Printing Pathway
The K-12 CAD Design and 3-D Printing program will allow all students the access to technology in a high interest area. Students will learn practical skills as well as build higher level thinking skills that they can use in other areas. The culminating event of the CAD program will be the certification offering that is available at the high school area. By offering this program across all grade levels the students will be given the opportunity to gain mastery in the field of CAD Design. This comprehensive program will also have applications for gifted and talented and afterschool programs.
K-2 Area Students will get exposure to the basics of 3-D deign. Skills: creativity and enrichment
3-5 Area Students will learn the basics of 3 dimensional design. They will build projects according to specifications and work on high interest projects with creative design processes. Skills: problem solving, basic 3-D design, 3-D printing, and creative thinking
Middle School Students will continue their work with 3-D printing and CAD design to problem solve a variety of challenges. Skills:problem solving, engineering and design
High School Student will continue their work with CAD design . They will master higher level functions in 3-D printing. They will be provided the opportunity to earn a certification in 3D Design. Skills: problem solving, higher level thinking, engineering and design
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